This is a slightly different case study. Because this one is written by our client! We were so thrilled to receive this. Here is the story written by Chris Lynch of qualifications awarding body TLM….
“Karen from Roar was recommended to me by several different people including my wife Anna who works at Tamworth Borough Council. I was looking for the missing pieice of the jigsaw for our business. TLM is an exam awarding body run by my mother. At the time she was very busy running the business in very difficult circumstances as my father, who created the company, had recently passed away. I had been given the task of helping improve the company’s marketing. My suggestion was we get some HELP!!!!
TLM has always been an ideas company at the forefront of both technology and innovation. This was the company’s main strength along with a loyal customer base. The company has always been weak at marketing. Everything from the company website and advertising material right down to the business cards were all wrong.
Myself and Rosemary met with Karen to see if she would be the right fit for our business. At the time I thought Roar Marketing was a bit of a strange name but as soon as Karen walked through the door with her red hair and vibrant can-do attitude I realised it summed up her company perfectly.
Karen laid out how to do a marketing plan for the business and highlighted areas that needed to be addressed in order for us to improve how our business looked to people looking in from the outside. Her professionalism and in depth knowledge was refreshing. One thing that really struck me was when we were shown examples of Roar’s work, with before and after examples of marketing material and advertising. I knew instantly we needed Roar on board as part of our team.
We then had a panic, this was an extremely professional company with great ideas and real creativity, surely this was going to cost a fortune? Not at all, we were relieved when we received Karen’s quotation as we realised it was cheaper than employing a full-time member of staff and we would be able to add Roar as part of the team. Since then our business relationship has gone from strength to strength. We now have professional business cards, sensible email addresses, a completely redesigned logo and branding, redesigned brochure and marketing material, professional photos and signage but most importantly more customers. Sometimes it is difficult to quantify marketing, over the years I have seen marketing people make a fortune from fluffy words and false promises. Roar Marketing does not do that, they deliver a quality professional service which directly relates to sales and customers.
Karen has gone one step further than just being a marketeer though. Her advice on business management and strategy has been invaluable. Sometimes it is good to speak with someone else who is also running a business to discuss ideas and strategy. Karen is always available and always happy to help.
Some people might say “can you afford to employ a marketing consultant?”, I would say you can’t afford not to have a conversation with Roar Marketing.